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Draplin Design Co., North America
Stuff For Sale
DDC-295 "Pumpkins" Decal


Product Description:
We love pumpkins. So we made a sticker for that love. That’s really all there is to this one. Pumpkins! Our favorite gourd!
Product Details:
01. Screen printed on thick, weather proof vinyl. Serious adhesives.
02. Colors inspired by a field for of big, beautiful pumpkins.
03. 3.5” wide x 3.0” tall in dimension on the circle.
04. Printed in the United States.
05. Thick Lines!
Ordering Details:
$3.99 Shipping Included!!! (U.S.A.)
The Fine Print:
For customers using PayPal, click the link above they’ll take it from there. For customers who aren’t using PayPal, send us an email to “orders(at)draplin.com” and we’ll get back to you with an address to ship the funds to. We accept money orders and cold hard cash, so, get with it, man! All orders are shipped out as fast as we can. Usually a couple days after the order comes in. We ship everything USPS “First Class” rates. If you want quicker shipping, contact us and we can ramp it up to USPS Priority, or whatever you need. We aim to please!
International Orders:
We cover the shipping in the states, but charge the basics for international orders. Before you place the order through our PayPal account, send us an email to “orders(at)draplin.com” and we’ll get you a shipping quote for the goods you are interested in. As simple as that! Thanks!

©2022 DDC Dry Goods Div., Merch Dept., Portland, Ore.