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Draplin Design Co., North America

Stood in front of this, fuckin’ speechless. Best of the tour! Of any tour!

I can’t stop smiling thinking about this moment.

THE ALARM WENT OFF AT 3:45 IN THE A.M.: And hey, I’m not complaining. I signed on for this. Felt sorta bad for Jess. The guy needs his sleep. It ain’t east dragging that camera around like he does.

We left Charlotte in darkness, whipping down to Atlanta, right into the traffic. Like a punch in the face. I had to drop Jess at the airport, all the way on the other side of town, and then whip back into the city to Mailchimp. And that’s what I did.

I made it Mailchimp barely, and was greeted by Justin Pervose in the parking lot. Man, I love that guy’s face. Such a sight for sore eyes.

He led me into the building, dragging all my gear, and I walked in and stood in front of what just might be the COOLEST POSTER EVER MADE FOR ONE OF MY HALF-ASS SHOWS. That’s what you are seeing above. In all seriousness, I was was so blown away, I just had to walk away and set up my shit. I was moved! Thank you, man. Wow.

The show went well, and I did my best to slay those Mailchimpers. It was awesome to see David Sizemore, Jonathan Lawrence and John Williams from the mighty, funny-as-fuck @AnimalsBeingDicks. Ha! So good to see all you mouthbreathers! THANK YOU for coming to the morning show.

Once the gig was done, the tears dry, the posters dispersed, JustinMailchimp tour. Awesome, awesome place. Looks fun as hell. A good reminder that jobs can actually be cool. Bravo, you guys. Great digs. Thank you, Mailchimp!

- - - -

I found my hotel, closed the blinds and SACKED OUT for hours and hours. Then I went and hung out with Henry from Chunklet. We went and saw the Liverhearts and Wizard Smoke at the club a couple blocks from Henry’s pad. Good catching up, man!

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