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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Field Notes “Day Game” Edition is out! Let’s play ball! Three different color covers! Get a load of these names: Outfield Green, Infield Brown, and Hardball White. Incredible.

Each subscription offering of the “Day Game” Edition threepack comes with our very first release from Field Notes Brand Books! Our friend Kevin Guifoile’s true story about baseball, his dad, memory, dugout shenanigans, record breakers, baseball stars, friends and life, called A Drive into the Gap. Mandatory reading, people.

Watch the trailer for the book! Goosebumps! Go here right now: adriveintothegap.com

And make sure you scroll down some. Look at how beautiful that site is! I’m not gonna say anything more about the book. That’s yer surprise. Get a copy and read a beautiful story.

With each new Field Notes subscription we make, I have to tell you, I find myself blown away each and every time. I scramble to finish up whatever memo book I’m in the middle of, just so I can crack into the new set. I’m so proud of the “Day Game” set, and am honored to have Kevin trust Field Notes Brand Books with his story. Thank you, sir. Wow.

And of course, none of this would be possible without the supreme greatness of Jim Coudal, Michele Seiler, Bryan Bedell, Steve Delahoyde, everyone at Coudal Partners, everyone at Field Notes Brand, and hey, you. Yeah, you! Thank you, guys. I’m forever awash in gratitude seeing our little guy grow up. I get my licks, chops and kicks in on each project, but without the folks listed in the paragraph, the innings would go by pretty damn quick.

Another homerun, y’all!!! Bravo.

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