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Draplin Design Co., North America
February 17, 2012
Another Orange Box Blows Me Away
Posted at 01:26 PM


ANOTHER FINE EXAMPLE: Saw this orange box today, at an estate sale out on 139th & Whatever. The place was fuckin’ packed! A whole basement of books. Weird electronics shit. Old bric-a-brac. Easily, the best one I’ve been too this year.

Ran into DJ Wroid Wrage and Fran from Seizure Palace in there loading up. A couple friendly faces amongst a house full of sweaty, aging nerds rifling through whatever wasn’t nailed down.

Leigh and I had a couple good laughs waiting in line outside the front door. That’s where you get to see quite the slice of humanity. Fidgety, middle-aged parasites looking to make a quick buck, eBay parasites, agitated book collectors (the worst!), I’m-here-totally-on-a-tip-nobody-knows-about asshole hipsters, and then me, a man mountain excited to rescue old logos. Maybe the only one in the world? Maybe not. I do what I do. Proudly.

I can’t wait to junk tomorrow. The camera is charged and we are going to hit it hard. Undisclosed locations.

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