Draplin Design Co., North America
“All the Warts and Moles.”
What People Have To Say About The DDC
“Gambling Gets The Best of Us”

“Aaron's worst Vegas advice: "Well, after you max out your limit on your ATM card, what you do is take a draw on yer credit card and then really kick the casino's ass!"

—Aaron Lee, Graphic Designer, Portland, Ore.

“Tough Love”

“Fucking Draplin reprimanded me for sending him a shitty print of a legend, Mike Watt. Damn straight called me out on it.. I'll make it up to you as soon as I infiltrate Dwindles scanner. What are you, a friggin’ Jpeg Judge? Hope P-Town is kicking ass.”

—Lance Dalgart, Hollywood Schmuck, Hollywood, Calif.

“Brotherly Love From Downtown Minneapolis.”

“Aaron's a goddamn brother for life. The package: He's good, hard-workin’, bleedin’, sweatin’, fartin’, Mid-West people. Honest, sincere, ballsy, gritty, husky, etc. He's real level-headed and a talker, and can out bullshit any nickle-and-dime yarn spinner this side of his old man. He's got real good taste in music, going astray only rarely — and knows you don't go for a booth at the Diner...you belly up to the bar.

Ol' Draplin has a fine eye for design'n, can hold a hell of a grudge, tells it like it is, moderates, strums his 6-string, watches COPS (don't ask me), gets irritated, stays cool, puts miles on his rig like nobody's business, wrassles with his woman, hates SoCal with an understandable passion, and loves his Mom and Dad.

A cold Grain Belt drinker, Americana lover, and Sasquatch hunter with both feet planted firmly on good old grade A U.S. middle-class soil. A man Jimmy Carter can be proud to say he represented as the greatest president in the history of our grand lil' nation.”

— Ryno Simonson, Artist / Teacher / Freedom Fighter /
Third Base / Strummer / Just Plain Mean, Minneapolis, Minn.

“We “Party” With The Best Of Them”

“I've only met Draplin once, at the US Open a couple of years ago. I was drunk, as I and everyone else is won’t to be at that particular event, but he seemed like a stand-up guy. Many of my closest and oldest friends are fast friends of his, so there is no doubt that he is the tits. Read his website and don't bring him any cats. Also, beware the day that he and I actually party together, because there is no doubt that whatever town that goes down in will be completely laid to waste (especially since Rose and Bridges and probably The Mook will be involved, as well.) “

—Johnny Bowles, in the midst of a particularly nasty “drunk,”
late one night in Burlington, Verm.

“This Guy Almost Got Me Killed Chicago This One Time.”

“Aaron is the living definition of “don’t give a flying fuck what others think” as he redefines fashion with his “Midwestern barnyard sale” look and the recent addition of '70s porn star mustache! I met him at MCAD where I was a teaching assistant to one his classes. Within 3 classes he joked with me, talked about design and comics, and told me off for my teaching style!”

—Andrew Maniotes, Professor of Design, Ypsilanti, Mich.

“We Hate Cats.”

“I hate Aaron Draplin.” —Swift Scout 4, Cat, Warren, Mich.

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