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Draplin Design Co., North America
August 14, 2009
Hard Bark
Posted at 10:22 PM


Still hammering on those pages. Basher’s never more than an iChat window away, guiding me along. Thanks for being a big, ol’ Broomfield thorn in my rump.

Behind me, the TV is on, and playing right now is No Country For Old Men. And I’m listening to it, like a radio program, only turning around for the juicy parts. (Which seems to be every 30 seconds.) The dialogue is so beautiful.

Tommy Lee Jones is incredible. Such an ease to his delivering of the lines. The Brolin kid still isn’t believable. Seems forced. I don’t know. There’s something about his jeans that piss me off. They don’t look like the kind of jeans a guy would be wearing in 1980. Too, uh, “550” or something. There’s a ton of errors in the movie, which still surprise me. I’ve ranted about the beef jerky in the background of the “gas station coin flip” scene a couple times on this halfwit blog, so I’ll stop with that.

Check all this shit out.Seems very, uh, “Un-Coen Brothers” to let all that shit slide.

Wait, the part where Moss is crossing the border, and the kids walk up on him. Those kids don’t look like 1980 kids. Bad choice of faces, or something. I’ll stop.

My favorite line from the Sheriff: “He’s got some hard bark on ‘em.”

Incredible language. Incredible movie.

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MAN, WE LOVE OLD TOOLS: A beautifully obsessive tool chest. So cool. Thanks to Derek Schille for passing this one on down to us.

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A LINK FROM A FELLA IN THE UPPER MIDWEST: Matt from Rotor in Minneapolis writes in and offers up, “A pretty good haul of magazine covers.” He ain’t lying. Get in there.

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CAN’T REMEMBER IF I LINKED THIS OR NOT, AND LIKE I CARE: At my so-called “Art Show” at the start of the summer, just as the bell rung, the people started rolling in and not five minutes into the deal, a guy walked up to me, introduced himself and then said, “I bought four of your collages.” I was blown away.

The character in question was a fella named, “JD Hooge” who’s known around Portland for his lethal coding abilities. Some pretty serious stuff going on through this guy’s fingertips.

Back to those collages. Here’s what they look like on his wall at his home. So awesome.

Very, very proud to see those collages out there in the big world doing their job. Blows my gourd. I spoke to a lot of people that night, and when I was talking to JD, I guess I said, “I just made out of a
bunch of shit that I found.” How’s that for really “sealing the deal,” eh? Always the professional, I am.

Thanks again, man!

There Are 2 Comments

I just think it’s amazing that a movie can have that many fuck ups — some of them pretty rookie — and still be, like, one of the best movies ever. I musta seen that thing 10x by now and am nowhere near sick of it.

Posted by: colin on 08/16/09 at 5:34 PM

Man, I thought Brolin was great! Being Texas-born, I thought his accent was dead nuts on. Makes me nostalgic for the place every time I watch.

Posted by: Jason on 09/07/09 at 5:02 PM
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