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Draplin Design Co., North America
January 20, 2008
Leigh's Last Day At The Top
Posted at 11:52 PM


Tonight was Leigh’s last night at the Top of the Park. All her faithful, thirsty regulars came out in droves, and coughed up the big bucks for the tip jar one last time. Leigh’s been pouring stiff ones in that Beacon Lounge for nine years, and man, it’s amazing to see how many close friends she’s made over the years. Quite a gal, quite a job, and, quite an ending.

The shot above is an action moment captured of Leigh “playing the bottles.” She’s got this act down with her piano man Tom Kaufman and we’re here to report, she rips it up! First time I saw her do it, and the last. Impressive. The crowd went apeshit.

“Leigh’s last couple moments on the clock. The end.”

- - - -

What it looks like when my dad drives me into town in the middle of the night, to watch my girfriend work her last night, the whole time with him grumbling cuz it was, “Snowing like a bitch out”: “Thanks, dad.”

There is One Comment

Come on Jimbo, why the angst. It was all for a good cause that you risked life and limb for your son on a “snowy bitch of a night”. Your the one who brings tiddings of good joy, remember that.


Posted by: styk on 01/22/08 at 8:44 AM
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