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Draplin Design Co., North America
December 24, 2006
Christmas Eve'd
Posted at 11:09 PM


Had a rough one today.

Too far from home, too far from parents, no snow in Portland and just feeling crummy.

Caught up on projects for the better part of the day. Awesome. Not really.

Rounded out the night with a handful of pool games over at Larry’s Lounge. Larry’s got a killer pool table in his basement, which is getting put to good use. After a sad, somewhat-solitary day, it was good to be around a pal. Thanks to Larry. We watched a couple Alien movies in the background, playing pool and making drinks. Big night out.

Opened some presents today from the family back home. Mom and dad sent gingerbones, which is always good for holi-daze sustenance. We got the iChat going and opened presents together as a family, digitally. Kinda sad. Got some cool goodies from home. Thank you, everyone.

Not one too much for the Holi-daze season this time around, I neglected any sort of “present quest” for loved one. Instead, I decided to give some loot to my dad’s favorite charity foundation back in Michigan. I was blessed to have a big year work-wise, and, well, it just feels right to give back a chunk.

We all should be giving more. We are so blessed. So many people go without. I have a house and a car and a Gary and a family and guitars and computers and a warm bed and ample coffers and a stocked fridge and…

Things are good in my life, and I am very thankful for that.

So today I gave back, and I hope it goes towards people who need help this time of year.

- - - -

On the way home from Larry’s, real late, driving past all the little houses in Northeast. The thought of little shits fast asleep dreaming about Santa and presents and magic made my day. I remember those days vividly, waking up to mountains of presents and beaming parents. (Even at 5am.) I am very thankful for those memories.

Happy Holi-daze, all you dirty elves.

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