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Draplin Design Co., North America
November 28, 2006
Rescue Mission
Posted at 04:21 PM


Found this little cap screw box in this old, run down shop building on a sketchy end of those West Bottoms in Kansas City. Here’s a link to refresh yer memory.

Anyway, Ryno and I pulled off at this old block of buildings to explore some. There were a couple sketchy characters—hobos maybe—digging in a big pile of metal scrap, holding hunks of wire they were hoping to resell. A tough go.

We broke into the back of the joint, dug around a little bay, then went inside to find a storage area with dusty shelf after dusty shelf. In one of the little nooks I found an old stack of these cap screws boxes, still filled. I left the screws there. Didn’t need those. The rain was doing some serious damage, so I consider this larceny a “rescue effort.”

We didn’t venture upstairs. God knows what we’d find up there…squatters, trolls, hanging bodies?

This is the kind of shit we rescue on the road.

- - - -

Watched a great American Experience about Bobby Kennedy last night. I am reluctant to see the movie in the theaters about him. Too many reviews of the bloated nature of that flick floating around, so I’ll pass.

America needs another Bobby Kennedy. Compassion for the poor. Compassion for the disenchanted racial divide. Unfraid to stand up to the Washington war machine. So much hope for that man.

And watching that doc, it’s painful how much from that era parallels the world today. LBJ’s denial of the Vietnam quagmire…sound a little familiar? You’d think we would have learned our lesson.

America needs a new start. America needs another Bobby Kennedy.

There is One Comment

I keep reading and laughing. sounds like things are good, love the gary antics. You should come and eat at the restaurant when you are in town. what dates are you going to be here. Getting ready for the holiday madness at work. Going to Vegas on sunday for a friends birthday. I need a new hat.

Posted by: noah on 11/29/06 at 2:34 PM
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