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The highlight of the day was a pretty much private (there was only one other person in the theater) viewing of the new Jackass movie. Lots of laughs, of course.

Way to go, Danger. Way to go, Dave. You dicks.

I did go do a little guitar shopping in the city. It was raining out, so that made sightseeing a little difficult. I did scope this beauty on the way down to Delmar street.

384. “A reason to pull over and open the moon roof.”
385. “One more view of it.”

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This little article about Jay Farrar sent me all over St. Louis. Thanks.

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There was some talk about bears in Cincinnati. It reminded me of some writing I did for Coudal’s Field-Tested Books. Now that the summer’s over, I don’t want to forget those links. I was really proud to contribute.

Those woods up there freaked me out pretty good. So’d that book.

There Are 4 Comments
Posted by: Porek on 11/28/06 at 3:16 PM
Posted by: Porero on 11/28/06 at 6:31 PM
Posted by: Porero on 11/28/06 at 6:31 PM
Posted by: Males on 11/29/06 at 6:12 AM
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