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Draplin Design Co., North America
November 06, 2004
DDC 50: Day 48, Heading Down State
Posted at 09:47 AM


HEADING “DOWN STATE” NOTES: Dad dragged me outta bed at damn near the crack of dawn. Well, 8am. We were on the road another 30 minutes later. We drove “fast and hard,” the way my Gramma Leo cooked her hamburgers. We were down to Uncle Jess’ memorial service by noon.

See, when you head south to Detroit, you go, “Down state.”
When you head back north, you are going, “Up north.”

Learn it. Live it.

- - - -

Uncle Jess’ service was nice, quiet, spirited, pleasant. Anything but sad. People have great memories of the old guy, and man, that is what it is all about.

Got to see some old cousins, as well as my loving Aunts and Uncles. Good stuff. It was nice to be with everyone. We had a nice lunch afterwards, chatted it up and then hit the road out to “middle of nowhwere” which is where my sister Sarah chose for her home. Yay. Dad warmed up some soup, set out some munchies and everyone carried on peacefully. Good stuff.

Fell asleep on the couch and dreamed of my bed back home.