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Draplin Design Co., North America


Spent the day regrouping at the parental compound, deep in the woods. slept in, ate, cleaned up, did laundry, managed email, worked, chilled, cleaned out Big S, readied him for the next leg, watched a little tube, etc.

Very nice to be home, but only for a split second.

Vermont was calling, so I hit the road again, for Detroit. After a brief foray up to Elk Rapids to check in with Eric Campbell, I was headed for Kalkaska.

Eric is doing well. Little Hannah is 3.5 years old, full of questions, a head full of curly blonde locks and getting to bed at a decent, fair hour.

The run down to Detroit, albeit dark and lonely, was quick. I had I-75 to myself, and made great time in my southbound trajectory.

And on into Detroit, east on the 696, jumping off in Warren to see Kurt and Loren. Good kids. Nice house. Lots of activity here. All good. We shot the shit late into the night, getting the update on all things Kurt, Swift Scout 4 as well as a heart-to-heart discourse about the current state of Detroit City, guided by little Loren. Good gal.

These little fuckers are really onto something down here, and hell, I wish them the very best.

Alright, off to bed, and goodnight. (Got my own room and everything, with wireless net too! Hee-haw!)

There is One Comment

50 days…
1200 hours…
72000 minutes…

of nothing but spreading rubber on the asphalt.

Posted by: Clemens on 09/30/04 at 1:53 PM