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Draplin Design Co., North America
October 12, 2003
Posted at 05:54 PM

Back in Minneapolis. Really digging it.

Fall leaves rustling in the streets, etc. The best.

Good times. Ryno and I have been cruising around the city at breakneck speed. Basically, there isn’t a street or stretch of highway that hasn’t been slayed by us the last couple days. We’ve been all over hell’s half acre. From downtown to White Bear Lake to St. Paul to Hopkins to Frogtown. We’ve been everywhere, man.

Yesterday was spent on the road out to Darwin, Minnesota to get a look at the “World’s Largest Ball of Twine.” Wow, that motherfucker is big. Worth every mile out there.

Picked up Melissa’s rig from her parents tonight and am pushing off for Milwaukee at dawn tomorrow morning. Ryno will be bringing up the rear in our convoy down to Beer City. We’re going down there to spend some time with Kurt. We’re gonna have a long talk, throw a couple punches and gets all that’s wrong right again.

Needs to happen. Tough love for the little sonofabitch. A brother.

After that, it’s a day in Chicago for the last day of my twenties and then it’s on up to Northern Michigan to see mom and dad.

We’ll keep ya posted.

- - - -

MPLS: Had a killer pick-me-up at the Ideal Diner this morning that still–after eight long hours–continues to nourish me.

There Are 4 Comments

Draplin, what do you think of the place?? No comment? Ryno broke his back and I broke my wallet polishing that thing up.

Posted by: Berling on 10/13/03 at 8:24 AM

You picked a fuckin’ great time to be here; the fall colors in MI are breathtaking right now. Take lots of photos, it doesn’t last long.

Berling—the place looks great from the photos, everyone did a fantastic job cleaning it up. But to call any property on that stretch of S. Stevens a “condo” is to take some liberties with the term.

Posted by: C.W. Chmiel on 10/13/03 at 3:34 PM

Aaron how are you? It reads as if things have been pretty hectic lately. Sorry to hear about the girl. So you are staying in P-town and buying a house. I’m proud of you. You are truely becoming a man. Things are great with the wife and I. The food I’ve seen in the last week. Amazing. Love and support Noah and Naomi.

Posted by: Noah on 11/17/03 at 12:24 PM

Aaron how are you? It reads as if things have been pretty hectic lately. Sorry to hear about the girl. So you are staying in P-town and buying a house. I’m proud of you. You are truely becoming a man. Things are great with the wife and I. The food I’ve seen in the last week. Amazing. Love and support Noah and Naomi.

Posted by: Noah on 11/17/03 at 12:24 PM