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Draplin Design Co., North America
December 23, 2000
Christmas Eve's Eve... Especially bummed
Posted at 07:16 PM

Christmas Eve’s Eve…

Especially bummed out today: The holidays have brought me down. I just wish I was back home in the snow. I wish I was with my parents. The sight of a palm tree sickens me. Leaving our gated community to go out for some chow earlier broke my heart. I should be trudging through snow…with high snowbanks and warm jackets. Instead I’m just bitter and cynical. I love this job so much. That keeps me down here. We just completed our final issue and it feels so good to be finished up for the season. We have amazing projects on the horizon too. The mag’s momentum is building feverishly.

So anyways, next Christmas, I WON”T be spending it down here. No fucking way. I’ll fly home to the family. The end. I hope everyone is good and around family. Take care.