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Draplin Design Co., North America
December 05, 2000
Ahhh....in Minneapolis and lovin' the
Posted at 10:43 PM

Ahhh….in Minneapolis and lovin’ the sub-zero temps! I’m enjoying my shocked, cold, creaky joints for some reason. You have to work each time you go outside. I like that.

As we’re driving up and down these old streets I find myself amazed at how 6 months of total balls-to-the-wall magazine insanity can be almost forgotten. All the designing, traveling and general SoCal livin’ seems like some weird scene far away. It feels like I left Minneapolis a week ago. Already, I find myself dreading the flight back. Been catchin’ up with school friends, updating the colleagues on my Californian adventure. It’s good to see everyone. I love school. It’s gonna be hard leavin’ it all behind.

Tonight we’re gonna go to Mickey’s Diner in downtown St.Paul. I can’t wait.