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Draplin Design Co., North America
May 09, 2014
Got Myself Hydro74'd
Posted at 03:53 PM


SO, YEAH, YOU WAKE UP TO THIS: And there’s sleep in yer eyes, and you can barely see, groggy, and the first thing to come up on the feed is this face. Crafted by the gnarled vector click of Hydro74! That Hydro74! Now, for years I’ve been watching this guy craft gnarly, intricate creature after creature. I’m always blown away by the guy’s output and transparency in sharing his work. Says a lot about a guy. Work ethic is everything. And this guy works. And we’ve become buddies through a couple visits at conferences on the “entertainer’s circuit.” So yeah, bit of a fan here.

To wake up and see this? Fuckin’ surreal. Thanks, Josh. Awesome as hell, and man, just kinda blown away. Look at that face! So gross, but damn, no nicely rendered. Florida power!

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