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Draplin Design Co., North America
April 04, 2014
Tonight, Edmonton
Posted at 11:12 AM


EDMONTON, WE THROW DOWN WITH YOU ALL DAY TODAY: Okay, first off, check that poster! Check that face! Off all the posters in my “Gig Graphics” section, this bad boy just be the front runner! Equal parts “scary as fuck” and “so awesome!” I mean, I try to place myself in the shoes of some kid seeing this poster and thinking, “Should I go to this? Will I get hurt? What’s up with that guy’s face?” And that’s perfect. Thank you, Hunt and Gather!

Design is so nimble, precious and twinkling. This posters beats that stuff down dead. With that said, we’ve got a full day waiting for us in Edmonton! Hopping the flight out of Saskatoon in a bit here!

Be there, Edmonton! Two workshops and a speaking fiasco! We’re giving you guys everything we’ve got. Seriously. Okay, bye.

Randy’s outside and I gotta load my shit out of this room. Thanks to all my buddies in Saskatoon, too! Appreciated. Bye!

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