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Draplin Design Co., North America
March 13, 2012
Heading Home
Posted at 09:31 PM


FLYING BACK TODAY: And man, I know it’s gonna be a tight flight. I’ve got a middle seat, which is COMPLETE BULLSHIT cuz I paid for window seat, and who knows how this stuff works. “Large Man In A Small Seat” packed like sardines in between a couple other yahoos. Fun times.

Was supposed to be sitting next to Leigh, you know, to include her on the all the fun that is flying, but she’s in a middle seat a couple rows behind me. Rats.

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THE IMAGE ABOVE: Is from Matthew Hampton of Portland. He’s a cartographer, and we DO NOT mess with cartographers.

That said, here’s what Matt had to say, “I was investigating the locations of the historic Stark Street mile markers when I ran into this logo on the side of a stucco building at 78th and Stark. It’s a remnant from the ’60s when the building served as a motorcycle shop and it somehow made me proud to live in this country, even though our collective ideals (and freedom) have seemed to tarnish a bit over time.”

We are right there with you, man. Know the EXACT feeling. Things change, and so it goes, but man, we’re losing so much cool shit along the way.

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