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Draplin Design Co., North America
September 27, 2010
Bug Woes
Posted at 01:59 PM


Got a cold, I guess. A little bug. Inside me. Messin’ shit up. The head hurts, bit of throat thing, a cough, general blah-ness, and so on. Real pumped. Still charging hard on projects, though. Don’t know any different.

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NICE SET OF LOGOS HERE: From Minneapolis. The logos of Studio Minneapolis. Some gems in there.

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I’VE GOT A NICE STACK OF THESE: An incredible assortment of Milwaukee Bus Passes. Incredible. Kurtie got them for me some years back, that little nugget. I miss you, man. I’ll call soon. Hey Tri-Met: Sure, that logo is nice, but hell, yer tickets suck. Take a cue from Milwaukee, will ya? This stuff used to be beautiful. (Thank you, Bill Zindel!)

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LITTLE BIT INDIFFERENT ON THIS ONE: Incredible spray paint can collections. And ads, and history. Good stuff. From a different time.

But know this: I think graffiti—in too many forms—is complete bullshit. Style wars. Litter. Destruction of public property. Seems 99 percent of it is clandestine shit on the side of some building where the owner has to pay loot out of his pocket over and over to keep their place looking respectable. Not cool. Fuckin’ cowards. Sure, I’ve seen some cool stuff in my day, but more or less, it’s some half-ass tag fucking up a freighter train, or a mail box, or bus window, or what have you. Just kids with toys. Vandals. Yawn. Dumb.

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KICKSTART OUR HEART: Rock music, as you may or may not know, sucks more and more. Fact. One more Phoenix or Free Energy or whatever and I’m gonna blow chunks. Or Kings of Leon. Punch me in the face. Anyhoo, all the more reason to kickstart the Chunklet’s The Indie Cred Test.

Lots of laughs. Keeps the chumps out there in line. I’m gonna be rolling up the sleeves on those pages, so, let’s make it happen, readers! This one is gonna be awesome, and any self-respecting fan of the musical form will find meaning in it. Seriously. Go there and kickstart it today!

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01. Dead Kennedys - Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death
02. Centro-Matic - Love You Just The Same
03. Lee Hazlewood - Cowboy In Sweden
04. Idaho - Hearts of Palm

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