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Draplin Design Co., North America
December 28, 2008
Gary: Four
Posted at 08:40 AM


One last day. Tying up the loose ends. Three more square meals. Planning our way out west.

Today is Gary’s fourth birthday.

The little man. How I miss him. He’s back in Portland being kept alive by a network of beautiful people like Leah, Mark and Dale. Thanks.

I updated the “Gary Gallery” this afternoon, and can’t help feeling a little sad I’m not back there with him.

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ANTSY TO GET GOING: Leigh and I push off tomorrow. Depending on the rollercoaster weather cycles back here, our hopes are to take a pretty conservative route back home. Around the horn, past Gary, underneath Chicago, across Illinois into Iowa, across Nebraska into the big Colorado. There, we might hang with “Denver Larry” or we might not. Then, we’re gonna hammer up over those Rockie and into one of favorite state, steeped in superstition and beautiful people: Utah. Then up into Idaho and up over towards Oregon.

A familiar route. Done it a million times. Other options are Wyoming, or, going south to avoid weather and hitting up the tops of New Mexico and Arizona, then up through Vegas and Reno back to Portland.

It’s all about the weather, and “weather” or not shit’s volatile out there. A roadtrip at this time of year is a real roll of the dice. Sure ain’t August out there, that’s for sure.

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STILL HIGH ON OBAMA: Mom, Dad and I watched a 60 Minutes “all about Obama” tonight. Can ‘t help but feel very, very excited about all of it. And, in contrast, sure am glad McCain/Palin didn’t take it. Yikes.

There Are 3 Comments

Embarked on a similar from Memphis to Portland. Keyword being ‘weather’ like you stated. Just missed the missouri tornados by cutting through Arkansas. Denver is dry and the Rocky mtn hwy is clear. Today we push through Utah, and tomorrow the great state of Oregon. Enjoy the road.

Posted by: rwilson on 12/29/08 at 7:57 AM

Simple answer.. USA is fucked because they like money now more than their children’s future?
Americans came 3 years late to WW1, 3 yrears late to WW2, and still think they can solve all the world’s problems?

Posted by: rokat on 12/30/08 at 4:14 AM

1. Stick with Colorado. Every time I try Wyoming in winter, I get snowbound for days.

2. If you’re sleepy and swervy anywhere near Lincoln, NE, you’ve got a free place to stay. I’ve got 2 little dogs, as well, to tide you over before you get back to Gary.

Drive safe! Have fun!

Posted by: The Subtle Rudder on 12/31/08 at 6:23 AM
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