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Draplin Design Co., North America


Today’s just one of those days where, frankly, we’ve just got too much going on. So, we’re not on the web. We’re out in the world filming, junkin’, shootin’ the shit, and planning up a great weekend.

We’ve got some shit up our sleeves that is gonna blow yer gourds. Really. Insanely excited. So excited I can’t even finish this senten…

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Jared sent the How A Department Store Operates image in above, and man, made out day. Thanks, man.

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MORE PROOF: This just in, from a kid named “Spencer”: “I bought a hat a couple weeks ago, and it fits me like a hat. Keep up the goods.”

Spencer, it fills our hearts with pride to know you are down there in Georgia doing the good work of the world, in a DDC Action Cap. The best. Thanks. Give ‘em hell down there, and stay cool.

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