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Draplin Design Co., North America


Digging around in the basement, well into the wee hours, I came across my old stash of Adventure People.

I hat these sets as a youngster, back in those wild late ’70s: This, this, this and this .

The parachute was one the coolest things of my childhood. Hands down. Hours and hours of flight. Durable. I remember the wrapping technique for maximum height when throwing it up into the sky, and how the plastic strings felt in my little hand. I was seven.

But, upon closer inspection of these treasures, checking out the years they were manufactured, how the heads would wear out and get all loose, I noticed that each set had the greatest logo. So good.


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Absolute Required Viewing: Okay, we’ve got something for you to watch… The Opening Title Treatment for Forum’s That.

My pal Jared Eberhardt thought it up and made it.

Put aside the fact it’s for a snowboarding movie. This is bigger than that little world. The amazing perspective/panning treatments of the first 10 seconds could have been the deal for the next Wes Anderson flick or something. Choreographed in his head, then brought to life. I mean, I don’t think this way, and, after watching it a handful of times, my little mind feels blown. So fucking good. My humble opinion.

Be proud, my friend.

Watching this thing unfold, well, it just makes me happy to have so many creative motherfuckers in my life, who have allowed me into their respective worlds. Much appreciation.

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