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Draplin Design Co., North America
July 14, 2006
PJ's R.A.M.B.L.E.
Posted at 07:54 PM


Oh man, this is the one!

Get yer ass over to PJ’s place right now, and read every goddamn word about his upcoming, “R.A.M.B.L,E.”adventure.

Bookmark it and follow that two-strokin’ bat-outta-hell all over the land as the summer turns into fall.

Life is good, brother. Enjoy it. Savor each and every mile and be careful.

See you out there.

Mom and dad have been notified and will “have shit ready” for yer visit when you roll through “TC.”

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Some great icons here: Iconwerk.

Specifically, the “Intellicare” set. You gotta scroll down some. Really nice, eh?

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Saw this, thought about how amazing it was, tracked it down on the net and then purchased one. So good.

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Some interesting ‘unseen’ movies here.

Scroll down some, and find the one called, “Street Moves.” This is required viewing. It was made by Dave England’s buddy Ross Angeles. Good shit.

There is One Comment

Thanks for the kind word, I look forward to seeing the Ranch and meeting up with your folks, salt of the earth. Let me know if you have any hot tips on places to visit in the NE or elsewhere.

And your goddamn web updates put us all to shame, you’re posting like a motherfocker lately, and good stuff too. “Draplin.com: Web Portal of the Workingman.”

Posted by: PJ Chmiel on 07/15/06 at 1:00 AM
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