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Draplin Design Co., North America
February 28, 2006
Posted at 05:35 PM


Update those daily planners, you fucks: The first 10 days of April are hereby proclaimed, “Ryno Simonson’s Early April Portland Goodwill Tour.”

April Fool’s Day joke? No, just Ryno showing up after a long, sweaty Amtrak trainride out from Minneapolis.

Goddammit. First it’s Godfrey. Then Kurt. Then Cooley. And now, Ryno, even if only for ten days, it’s an eternity, believe me.

The DDC will observe this fickle holiday season, with temperance and a slight, pickled innebriation. No calls from clients, potential clients, Girlstuff Dept application hander-inners or “old, long-lost friends” will be permitted during this time of mourning.

“Rollllll out the barrels….”

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Rose get some press.

(For the record, I had the House Industries book way before him. Just wanted to clarify that.)

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This is grrrreat. Wow. (Via the good people of Coudal.)

There Are 2 Comments

Hmmm… that photo looks awfully familiar.


Posted by: Jamie on 02/28/06 at 10:44 PM

Okay truckers, settle down, settle down.It’s been gently brought to my attention that the Ryno photo above is from the trigger finger of one Jamie Pulley, of blue22.net. How this shit works for me is, when I come across a shot of a friend, good, bad or ugly, I’ll grab it and file it away for future reference. I’ve got a folder for each pal in my little nationwide network. Ryno’s folder, believe it or not, might just be one of the darkest corners in my archives. There’s some pretty rough stuff in there. I save everything, especially the lewd assortment of “colorful attachments” he has so gently shared over the years. What a lot. This shot was in that folder, right along side an delicately illustrated portrait of a gay cowboy riding a prickly cactus, of course, and seemed ripe for the picking. So, an Atlantic Ocean of thanks needs to be expressed to our friends over at Blue22.net. That’s how we do it.

Posted by: DDC Photo Credit Dept. on 02/28/06 at 11:04 PM
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