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Draplin Design Co., North America
September 29, 2005
DDC:GAA:FT: 09292005:L03:D16
Posted at 11:06 PM


It’s always nice to come home.

That first “smell of the joint” when I come through the door: “Smells like home.”

Forever amazed at how that scent can set ya at ease, and relax everything around you.

- - - -

Leah and her little pal Andrew got Gary a new t-shirt. He took their poking and prodding in stride, like a little trooper.

096. “Andrew and Gary.” Checkout Gary, just sorta, “taking it.”
097. “Gary, freshly outfitted in some new threads.”

That first day back, didn’t do much. Caught on all the work I had neglected while I was “over there” and spent some quality time laying on the couch, desperately trying to beat the jetlag.

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