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Draplin Design Co., North America
October 17, 2004
DDC 50: Day 28, Leaving Louisiana
Posted at 11:32 PM


There is nothing like a good night of rest. The Royal Motel took good care of us. Even our neighbor, “Shirtless Pete” (no photo, as those fickle Romanians are a little unpredictable in the heat of the morning) was hospitable. It was hard to leave, but we had to get moving north.

01. “The Royal Motel.”
02. “Room number 20.”
03. “Loading up and heading out.”
04. “On the way out, Big S sighed with relief.”

We pointed Big S north and were on our way. Just like the Route 66 leg, we vowed to “follow” the route along the river as close as possible. Truth be told, this sorta of stubborn commitment doesn’t allow for the most efficient travel. We added a lot of time to the mission, all day long, as we snailed up the river on the Louisiana side and over into Mississippi.

The Natchez parkway just north of Vicksburg is absolutely required for all those passing through. PJ made a good call to hit it, and man, we rode along quietly throught the woods and grasslands up towards Greenville. Magnificent. Extraordinarily maintained stretch of highway.

Our trajectory back and forth across the river has treated us to an amazing collection of bridges. We’re gonna hit ‘em all, as we push north.

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With joints like this, well, you don’t need too much else out here on the road.

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We made it into Greenville, recounted the day’s events over Chinese fare and called it a night at the local Best Western, wirelessly, mind you.

There Are 2 Comments

Holy shit! I was at Busch Gardens all day the same day as you! Funny thing is I thought I saw a guy who looked just like while I was there, but as he came closer I realized it wasn’t. Just some old woman. No, kidding. That’s a damn coincidence. Did you eat at that trapper BBQ place? I stuffed myself silly and spent a hair over $48 for lunch for Maia and I! Good food for a park though.

Have fun the rest of the trip. - Pablo

Posted by: Pablo on 10/18/04 at 3:48 PM

yor voyaj iz truly inspirshanal.it maks me feel like im in vacashion myself.every day is “koolshit” to look forward to. during my humdrum way of life. ifn you remember the tim we was memberin about the time. well i cant remember the time.but if U stop in Denver i wil mak the time. I gots the tunes to throw you back into the 80’s

Posted by: Gary A. on 10/21/04 at 6:19 PM